Lessons 9 & 10:
Chapter 2
1.The meaning of `decency’ to the different members of the gang:
i) Boston becomes physically sick.
ii) Die Aap and Butcher’s treatment of Rosie.
iii) Tsotsi beats Boston.
2. Rosie and Soekie as representatives of the lives of women in the township.
3. Tsotsi’s rule:
i) Why is the rule important to Tsotsi?
ii) How does Boston break the rule?
iii) What is the significance of Boston breaking the rule?
Lesson preparation for LESSON 10:
1.Look at events of Fate and Destiny following Dlamini’s murder.
2. Boston belongs to a gang of criminals, yet he is different. Why?
1.How do events of Fate and Destiny unfold after Dlamini’s murder?
i) Boston being ill.
ii) Boston’s questioning of Tsotsi results in his beating.
iii)Tsotsi runs away and ends up at the bluegum trees.
iv) His attempt to attack the young woman results in him getting the baby in a shoe box.
v) He decides to keep the baby.
2. Explain why Boston is different from the other members of the gang. Use your knowledge of the entire novel.
Learner Preparation for LESSON 11:
1.Read Chapter 3.
i) Look for elements of Fate and Destiny.
ii) Consider Tsotsi’s perception of women.
iii) `you’ll feel something one day… And God help you that day, because when it comes you won’t know what to do. You won’t know what to do with that feeling’
How does this foreshadow Tsotsi’s decision to keep the baby?