Lessons 29 & 30:
Chapter 9
1.Tsotsi’s memories of his mother:
i) Her love for her son.
ii) She creates a peaceful and harmonious home environment.
iii) She creates pleasant memories of his father.
iv) She provides for Tsotsi in the absence of the father.
v) She shields him from the harsh realities of township living.
2.The role of the grandma:
i) Gives another view of the father.
ii) Intensifies the role of a mother when she goes to look for her daughter.
3. Fate and destiny:
i) The father returns home the day after the mother’s disappearance.
ii) Tsotsi is witness to the father kicking the family dog, and the birth of the dead puppies.
4. Chain of events following the mother’s arrest:
i) David runs away from home.
ii) He meets Petah.
iii) He is welcomed into the river gang.
iv) He abandons his name.
5. The Biblical significance of the name David.
Learner preparation for LESSON 30:
1. Reasons for his new name.
2. The consequences of changing his name.
3. Research the Passbook System.
1. Reasons for his new name:
i) Suppress the pain of losing his mother and former life.
ii) Eradicate memories associated with `David’.
iii) Sever connection with his father.
iv) Suppress the memories of his pet dog and her dead puppies.
2. Consequences of his name change:
i) No longer defined by his mother’s love.
ii) Loses his humanity.
iii) He has lost his identity.
iv) He develops a set of rules.
v) No memories.
3. The importance of the dog.
i) David was fond of his dog.
ii) His disappointment that the dog did not play with him.
iii) The impact of Tsotsi’s father’s cruelty to the dog.
Learner Preparation LESSON 32:
1.Read Chapter 10.
i) Find aspects of Miriam’s transformation.
ii) Consider why Tsotsi names the baby David.