Lessons 11 & 12:
Chapter 3
1.The irony of Tsotsi running away from Boston’s questioning:
i) He begins to reflect on Boston’s questions.
ii) He starts reflecting on the past.
iii) He considers the qualities of the members.
iv) He has a flashback of Petah.
v) We learn his name before he became Tsotsi.
2. Tsotsi’s perception of women:
i) His encounter with the woman.
ii) Her fear.
iii) His position of superiority.
3. Elements of Fate and Destiny:
`you’ll feel something one day… And God help you that day, because when it comes you won’t know what to do. You won’t know what to do with that feeling’
How does this foreshadow his decision to keep the baby?
Learner Preparation for LESSON 12:
1.What are Tsotsi’s rules?
2. How does Tsotsi’s set of rules keep him in control?
1. The threatening storm foreshadows the disruption in Tsotsi’s life .
2. Tsotsi’s Rules:
i) Name and discuss each rule.
ii) Discuss the power each rule gives to Tsotsi.
Learner Preparation for LESSON 14:
1.Read Chapter 4.
i) Tsotsi has shown no ability to show compassion, yet he keeps the baby. Why?
ii) Find the elements of darkness that give him comfort, and the elements of light and unfamiliar behaviour that create inner conflict.