Lesson 24:
Debate & Hot Seating
1. Hot Seating:
i) Activity will be conducted in LESSON 42.
ii) Divide class into Hot Seaters and The Audience. Choose 5 learners to be Hot Seaters.
iii) Hot Seaters will:
- each choose a significant character from the novel.
- choose characters who have faced dilemmas.
- develop an understanding of why the characters are in the hot seat.
iv) The Audience will:
- choose roles of journalists, reporters, or other characters from the novel, seeking answers.
- in pairs, prepare questions of morality regarding decisions made by Hot Seaters.
- prepare questions that relate to situations, from the perspective of the characters chosen.
v) Hot Seaters and the Audience will research the perspective viewpoint of characters from the novel.
1. Learners to prepare for a debate:
i) Debate will be presented in LESSON 42.
ii) Debate topic:
Aid to Africa: Does aid to Africa by foreign powers actually benefit the lives of the people in Africa, or does it aid instability, dependence, and corruption in Africa?