Lesson 21:
Chapter 9
`he began to wonder why he had felt uneasy at all.’
1. A sense of unease:
i) Okonkwo believes that the effects of the killing of Ikemefuna are over.
ii) The significance of the shrinking of the vegetables.
2. Tribal Beliefs:
i) The importance of understanding the Ibo people and their beliefs.
ii) Its significance in their lives. The importance of faith to give people meaning.
iii) Their beliefs are real to them as is in any religion.
3. Ezinma:
i) Relationship with Ekwefi.
ii) Relationship with Okonkwo.
- Ezinma is Okonkwo’s favoured child, even though she is female.
- He also wishes that she were a boy.
- He is capable of love, affection and devotion.
Learner Preparation for LESSON 23.
1. Learners to read CHAPTER 10.
2. Learners to consider the following for discussion:
i) The Egwugu Court.
ii) Compare Egwugwu Court to the white man’s justice.
Personal Writing Draft Due: Refer to LESSON 17