Lessons 21 & 22:
Chapter 10
1. LESSON 21
` … I wasn’t sure when and where it was going to end.’
i) A sense of impending death:
- Saidu’s intense sadness.
- Omens:
the bird
the darkness
Saidu’s first death
ii) Sense of community:
- Welcomed by villagers.
iii) Sense of brotherhood among the boys:
- Sharing memories and stories of their past.
- Through their biographies they gain their identities, and the reader gets to know their history.
- Reconnecting with their past.
- Rare moments of laughter.
2. LESSON 22
To create a sense of reverence, educators can light a candle, or bring flowers or any object that symbolises reverence for Saidu’s passing.
i) The second village:
- Sense of community and brotherhood.
- Happy moments vs sad moments.
ii) Dealing with Death
`… we had no control over our future. We only knew how to survive.’
- 13-year-olds dealing with death.
- Compassion of the villagers.
Learner Preparation for LESSON 26:
1. Learners to read CHAPTER 11.
2. Learners to consider the following for discussion:
i) Did Gasemu, by delaying the boys, save them, or would it have been better for Beah to have died with his family?
Personal Essay Final: Refer to LESSON 7