Lesson 38:
Chapter 17
`I was very suspicious of people’s intentions. I had come to believe that people befriended only to exploit one another.’
1. The issue of trust:
i) the guarded life of a soldier.
ii) Esther’s skills in gaining Beah’s trust:
- Whether she can trust him.
- He has to ask her to be his friend.
- His weakness for music.
- Offers Ishmael a sense of a normal life: surrounded by love, affection and forgiveness.
2. The bullet story:
i) The flashback shows Beah’s vivid recollections.
ii) Beah’s hatred and revenge.
iii) This juxtaposes his rehabilitation.
3. The rehabilitation process:
i) He dreams of his family.
ii) He begins connecting with them spiritually.
iii) He reconnects with nature and with his past.
`That night I wanted the sky to talk to me.’
Learner Preparation for LESSON 41:
1. Learners to read CHAPTER 18.
2. Learners to consider the following for discussion:
i) Beah regaining his identity and becoming human again through:
- his meetings with his uncle
- meeting his uncle’s family