Lesson 31:
Chapter 13 & Chapter 14
‘ … there were no indications that our childhood was threatened (or) that we would be robbed of it.’
i) Brotherhood:
- Group identity and dependency.
- False sense of enjoyment.
- The uniform gives a sense of belonging.
ii) The reality of the life of a soldier:
- Fear and vulnerability.
- Death.
iii) Never forget that these are children.
- Who is the enemy?
- How is killing justified?
iv) Effects of the drugs.
`It was as if nothing else existed outside our reality.’
i) How have the boys been brainwashed and desensitised?
ii) Their addictions create a dependency and false reality.
iii) Lieutenant’s speech:
- Consider the purpose of his speech.
- Is it logical?
- How are the soldiers different from the rebels?
- Valueless promotions as incentives.
Learner Preparation for LESSON 33:
1. Learners to read CHAPTER 15.
2. Learners to consider the following for discussion:
i) The young soldiers’ perception of:
- brotherhood
- betrayal
3. Learners’ Task:
Write a speech (150-200 words) as a young boy ( Ishmael Baer) in response to the lieutenant’s speech in CHAPTER 14.
Literary Essay First Draft: Refer to LESSON 20