Lesson 38:
Part Three:
Night 1970
1. Destruction of District 6:
i) Signs of the time.
ii) The disintegration of society and the family
iii) Symbolism of Death:
- Physical and spiritual elements.
2. Richard Rive’s autobiography:
i) Why does the writer choose to reflect on the lives of the Rive family now?
- Novel – an attempt to reclaim the past.
- Sharp contrast of past and present within him.
ii) Reminiscing:
- What defines a human being?
1. Learners to translate the written word into an image:
i) Create a collage for each of the sections:
- Part One: Morning
- Part Two: Afternoon
- Part Three: Night.
ii) At the end of each section, learners are to contribute images to indicate the tone of each section.