Lesson 29:
Summary Writing
1. This exercise is based on the chapter titled: Moena Lelik.
i) Work in groups of 2.
ii) Create a Cloze Procedure exercise for your partner.
iii) Read the extract from the chapter and write a summary of 200 words. Leave out key words.
iv) Swop your exercise with your partner and complete the exercise by filling in the blanks.
Extract: Chapter: Moena Lelik
‘After the beach the Jungle Boys went back to their unsuccessful fishing and everyone else relaxed on the sand… They continued walking to Kalk Bay in silence. ‘
1. Create a comic book to relate Pretty-Boy and Moena’s incident with the beach constable.
Write a 100 word summary of the following extract from the chapter titled: Moena Lelik:
`Pretty-Boy suggested to Moena Lelik that they could go for a stroll along the beaches to St James….White people don’t go to your part’.