Lesson 46:
Chapter 21
`I knew I could never forget my past but I wanted to stop talking about it so that I would be fully present in my new life.’
1. Beah experiences difficulty in trying to separate the past, present and future:
i) He returns to school, but his past is known.
ii) The war finds him in Freetown:
- He uses his skills as a soldier.
- The familiarity of the situation frightens him.
- The possibility of death is real.
iii) His future with Laura Simms:
- `There was nowhere to go to from here.’
- She has been sending him money.
- His attempts to contact her.
2. Beah’s uncle’s death:
i) Its impact on the entire family and Mohamed.
ii) Its impact on Beah’s life.
iii) He makes the final contact with Laura.
3. His escape:
` I have to try to get out… and if that doesn’t work then it is back to the army.’
i) The choices he makes for his survival.
4. The conundrum of the monkey story:
i) The theme of sacrifice: How does this reflect Beah’s journey?
ii) Beah’s rejection of vengeance.