`They had lost everything that makes them human. They do not deserve to live.’
1. Trip to Yele:
i) The boys experience a false sense of safety.
ii) Memories create contrast with new situation.
iii) The start of Beah’s headaches that will plague his life.
2. Creating a false sense of family and normality:
i) Indoctrination of the boys.
ii) Developing a dependency on the group:
- drugs
- violence
- threat of death
iii) A new education for the boys.
3. Them vs Us. The boys are drawn into the war:
i) Observations of the brutality of the war.
ii) The Lieutenant’s speech.
iii) A false sense of power and strength is conveyed.
Learner Preparation for LESSON 31:
1. Learners to read CHAPTER 13 & CHAPTER 14.
2. Learners to consider the following for discussion:
i) How are the boys manipulated and brainwashed in CHAPTER 13 & CHAPTER 14?